Wobbel: a story in pictures

Wobbel: a story in pictures

The Wobbel is whatever you imagine it to be: a balance board, a swing, a bridge, a shop, a cabin, a stepping stone, a racetrack, a lounge chair, fitness equipment, a puppet, a small football goal, or at the back of an elephant?

The Wobbel can very well be used by adults. To get fit, stretch your back, (as a seat aid) in yoga exercises, to train balance and just because it's fun. It's possible to do a wide range of exercises on the Wobbel, from relatively light to extremely heavy.
The Wobbel Original, Pro, XL and 360 are CE approved up to 200 kilos, 100 kilos for the Wobbel Starter. The Wobbel Original and Pro are about 90 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide. So plenty of room for big feet and long legs. The Wobbel XL is 115 centimeters long and 40 centimeters wide. 

Producing a Wobbel is a complex process, which we have carried out by the best FSC certified wood bender in Europe. Among other things, the wobbel is made of sustainably pressed European beech wood that has been treated with child-friendly lacquers and stains. The EKO wool felt and sustainable cork are natural products.

From @sarah.pickersgill.brown

Wobbel board in wallaby

Wobbel in wallaby

Wobbel in wallaby

Wobbel board in wallaby brown

Wobbel board in wallaby brown

A story in picture blogs are a series of blogs in pictures. These blogs will continue to be added to over time, with new ideas in image form added. 


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