Stapelstein: a story in pictures

Stapelstein stack high

Stapelstein: a story in pictures

Stapelstein products create creative freedom, which is essential for the development of a child's potential. In a playful and easy way it is possible for children as well as adults to follow their own ideas and to create multiple possibilities of use and movement.

Stapelstein emphasizes the importance of free and moving play for the development of a child.

Stapelstein stepping stones:

Stapelstein Stacking Stones pastel set


How do we use the Stapelstein elements at home?

We love to invent games together. We start with a basic idea and throw a ball into an upside-down Stapelstein Original. After a short time, the ideas bubble up and soon a completely new game is created. An example for you: "Throw the ball into the Stapelstein Original, while balancing on one leg or for each missed throw a movement difficulty is added. One miss means standing on one leg, the second miss adds arm raising to balance, etc." At our workstations and in our studio, we do not sit on rigid chairs. We sit individually low or high on dynamic stools or stand on the Stapelstein Board at the standing workstation. As a result, we are constantly on the move in our daily lives.

Stapelstein memory game


Stapelstein memory game


Stapelstein waterproof

Stapelstein water play

Stapelstein seat

Stapelstein stool

Stapelstein steps

Stapelstein steps

Stapelstein obstacle course

Stapelstein obstacle course

StapelsteinStapelstein Stacking Stones rainbowStapelstein Stacking Stones pastelStapelstein pastelStapelstein pastel

StaplesteinStapelsteinStapelsteinStapelstein Stacking StonesStapelstein Stacking Stones violet


Stapelstein Stacking Stones

Stapelstein Stacking Stones mint

Stapelstein foot rest

Stapelstein Stacking Stones

Stapelstein Stacking Stones

Stapelstein stacking stone's

Stapelstein stacking stones

Stapelstein and their commitment to sustainability:

Respect for our environment accompanies Stapelstein in every decision. Not only in private, but also in corporate actions. The Stapelstein Original and the Stapelstein Board are produced in a climate-neutral way. Through the innovative foaming process with pure water vapor, they achieve a saving of 96% raw material. In addition, the long-term usability of a product is a very important key to sustainable added value. As early as the design process, Stapelstein ensure that their product portfolio has a timeless appearance, is multifunctional in use and durable, and can ultimately be 100% recycled. Creating a sustainable cycle.

Stapelstein Inside

Stapelstein Inside was released to the Australian market in August 2023. There are six sets to choose from. Two full sets of six in classic rainbow and pastel rainbow. There are also four sets of three. These are pastel colours in warm and cool, and classic rainbow in warm and cool.

Stapelstein Pastel Rainbow

The harmoniously composed soft shades of Stapelstein Inside in rainbow pastel, radiate pure magic with their delicate colours. The elements are perfect for nesting and are designed to inspire activity at play. 

Stapelstein Inside

Stapelstein inside pastel

Stapelstein Inside Warm Pastel

Staplestein inside

Staplestein inside

Staplestein pastel

Stapelstein pastel warm

Stapelstein Inside

Stapelstein Inside

Stapelstein Rainbow Classic

Experience the magic of Stapelstein Inside in rainbow classic. Layer after layer of colours inspire a universe of creative play and activity. Build extraordinary rainbow sculptures, create life-size playscapes and discover the popular nesting concept based on the Matryoshka doll.

Stapelstein classic

Stapelstein Inside rainbow classicStapelstein Inside classic rainbowStapelstein Inside Rainbow ClassicStapelstein play ideas

Stapelstein inside

Stapelstein Boards

Stapelstein Confetti Board

Stapelstein Confetti board

Stapelstein confetti

Stapelstein Pastel Confetti Board

Stapelstein pastel Confetti

Pastel Confetti Stapelstein board

Stapelstein Violet Board

Stapelstein violet board

Stapelstein board violet

Stapelstein Dark Blue Board

Stapelstein dark blue board

Stapelstein dark blue board

Stapelstein dark blue board

Stapelstein blue

Stapelstein red board

Staplestein red board

 Stapelstein Mint Board 

Stapelstein mint

How did the idea of Stapelstein come about?

The family environment of the Stapelstein® founder, Stephan is characterized by educators. Therefore, during his design studies, he dealt intensively with pedagogical issues and realized that too little attention is paid to a fundamental need of children: the natural urge to move. Since then, Stephan has been working on solution-oriented ideas that create incentives for movement within existing living environments.

Stapelstein creators


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